Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Disappearing one, Portraits of my dear father

My father died at 1982, I was a very young boy back then. Wild, sad, brave, and a bit too sensitive. My father leaves a huge hollow in my soul, but I even cann't cry, not after we buried him. I was so lost in time and I cann't feel anything. Then I cry and cry but most of the times my eyes cann't even produced tears. Slowly, hardly and madly I recovered, while I'm not sure it was a good thing. Now 34 year after... I can feel the memory of him is one became disappearing and its sader, knowing that I'm the one who slowly erased him. These work is my homage to my dear and only beloved father. I love you... may you stay forever in my soul


Listening to the great band Marillion, is like a recall to my young wild sad brave era. Here some of my recent drawings as I was chaneled to those happysad bittersweet memory.